Saturday, June 9, 2012

Balls to the Wall!

Well just got done giving a new comer to Infinity his second game. It was fun on both sides as crits were being handed out like candy that game by both of us.

Now this post isn't a Batrep or anything of the game it's just like a "learning" post. It mainly deals with Myrmidons.


I've learned by now I either go balls out with these Greek fellows or they sit around and do nothing or try to do something. I get better mileage out of them in the latter. When I go balls out I don't mean I blatantly charge them up the middle or sides of the board as that's a good way for them to get picked off. You have to play smart with them like with anything else in Infinity.

Now I've been learning that Myrms make great support units when used right with a MSV2 or 3 carrier because they have smoke. Now they also make great shock troops as they can get across the battlefield in relative ease thanks to ODD. Then that lets you set up a nice shot with whatever weapon then have. Now I've been moving my Myrms more aggressively then I usually do and it's been paying off as they get into better range for their ranged weapons as well as the ability to enter CC. Now CC isn't the golden ticket in Infinity but it does have it uses though. One being able to wounds stuff that hard to wound with ranged weapons. An example would be any kind of HI. Now it's best to attack one that down to there second wound if you have a AP CCW. Now if your carrying a EXP CCW it's not a bad idea to go balls out on a HI with it's 2 wounds still up. What this does is that it makes it easier for you to remove that HI more easily then it would shooting at it. With the benefits of MA:3 you get to hit the HI unopposed in CC so then it's all down to the dice. The trick to this though is getting into CC without getting shot to bits. Well a simple way is to throw smoke near the target model but not at it. Example. A Myrms around a corner but there's a Wu Ming on the other side it's best to throw the smoke out a ways passed the corner if it hits it then will cover up the Wu Ming letting you enter CC with out getting shot. Now that's if you can get into a position to do that. If you face to face against something like a HI it would either be your best bet to hug cover and shoot at it or drop smoke at you feet and use that to plan another way to get to the HI.

So I'm learning that aggressive play with the Myrms makes them more usable to me then just smoke throwers. They can be my shock troopers getting up close and personnel with other models in the game.