Heavy Infantry
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I see you have taken an interest into the pointy thing in my hand. I bet you didn't even notice the Spitfire hiding behind my cloak... |
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Hammer time! |
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Transformers! |
The Heavy Infantry or HI of Infinity fits in as a unit that can take punishment and give it back. All HI (expect Ariadna) has 2 wounds and have above average BS and PH all thanks to there power armor. Due to this power armor we also get sub types of HI units that we need to go over. This is all due to the fact that not all HI is the same and due to this they have different ways of use.
Sub Types:
Light HI
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If you see a link team of Haramaki you're going to have a bad time. |
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Don't let her good looks confuse you. She's just as deadly with that Spitfire as anyone else. |
When I say Light HI I'm talking about the HI that come equipped with ARM 3 but have MOV 4-4. Light HI are basically up gunned MI that are quicker and can take an extra hit. Light HI also come equipped with interesting weapon load outs like Panzerfausts, Blitzens, Contenders, ect. A large majority of Light HI also have the ability to link in there respective sectorials. They are also some of the cheapest 2 wound models you'll find in any force.
Tactics: When it comes to Light HI it's all about the speed and price tag. That 4-4 move should not be over looked when you bring along a light HI. There speed allows them to move about for less orders compared to 4-2 move HI. This allows you to have more orders to use on your force as a whole. To add on top of this nice speed the Light HI come out as some of the cheapest HI options on the market. This allows you to field multiple of them (if allowed by AVA) or leave you open to take other units that more expensive HI wouldn't allow you to.
Now the Light HI aren't perfect. Light HI have the lowest ARM rating of any HI out there. Now the Light HI still come with 2 wounds but with the low ARM value they have a higher chance of blowing through those wounds compared to higher ARM value HI. This lends to the light HI being a very active model in your active turn where it only has to fear single shot AROs when engaging targets. A light HI though is not a stalwart defender in the reactive turn where it's low ARM makes it vulnerable.
Bullet point form for the lazy readers!
- Take advantage of there 4-4 move.
- A cheap price tag leads to more options in the force or more Light HI!
- You get the most out of them in your active turn.
- Try to keep them out of harms way during your reactive turn.
Basic HI
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MBs are a solid and reliable unit in any Nomad force. |
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These guys are military criminals you don't want mess with. |
Basic HI is what it sounds like. A Basic HI is a bare bones, no bells and whistles, unit. What the Basic HI does do is provide a very stable and dependable platform. A basic HI unit will come with a wide variety of load outs that range from a basic multi-rifle to a HMG. They are like the LI of the HI world. They aren't very flashy but they provide options and flexibility.
Most basic HI have a 4-2 mov and come equipped with ARM 4. This makes them slower then Light HI but they have a better chance of shrugging off attacks. Basic HI also come out to be only slightly more expensive then there light HI brethren.
Tactics: These guys are going to be your hard pounders in the game. They are going to take punishment and give it right back. With there wide range of weapons to choose from this makes them really good at engaging almost any other unit in the game. Now there are some units that will give them fits like Skirmishers, MI with camo, and LI with camo, and Warbands with camo. This is all do to the fact that the basic HI has no bells and whistles aka no MSV. They however make up for this by having some of the heaviest weapons available to them like an HMG which do to how many dice you roll with it can overcome a camo units BS effecting abilities. Also keep in mind these guys are not the fastest HI to ever grace the Infinity universe. This can be overcome though if they can link in there respective sectorial.
- Large range of weapon options to choose from.
- Cheap for HI standards.
- Can engage a wide variety of units.
- No bells and whistles.
Special HI
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They don't care if you wound them. They'll heal right back up by themselves and put one right between your eyes. |
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TO, ARM 5, plasma rifle, and a sepsitor... run and run very far away. |
These guys are the cream of the crop when talking about HI. These guys have all the fun toys that cause massive damage, misery, and pain. They also come with the best equipment there factions can come up with. That includes camo, MSVs, regeneration, automedikits, ect. Special HI also starts to blur the line between basic HI and light HI. You have some HI like the Asura who has a MOV 4-4 but also has ARM 5. Then there's the special HI who are upgraded Light HI or Basic HI like the Asawira and Sogarat. This extra firepower and goodies though come with a cost.
Tactics: A special HI is going to be the focal point of your force. They are going to do the heavy lifting and are going to be at the top of your opponent "to kill list". Now these guys needed to be supported just like everyone else to stay alive for a good couple of rounds because if your special HI goes down it can be a long up hill climb to victory. So I will say this once and only once. Don't rambo with these guys. By rambo I mean pump all your orders into him because he's a badass and can't die. Well I have news for you. They can die and it's usually because they rambo out and about and no one is near them to support them during the reactive turn. Some HI can weather the storm better then others in this case but it's only a matter of time until they break. So keep him within support range of your other units so they can help and keep the HI alive.
Now these HI don't always need to do the heavy lifting. They can be used as a distraction because they are an immediate problem for an opponent and they want to get rid of them quickly. Use that to your advantage. Make your opponent commit to your big nasty and let the rest of your force hit the holes he left in his lines to go deal with your HI.
- Cream of the crop.
- Best equipment and skills you'll find on any HI.
- Expensive
- Number 1 on your opponents "kill list".