Sunday, December 23, 2012

Infinity Hunger Games Showdown!

Wow, time flies when you hit the last couple of weeks of school. Well I'm back and with a vengeance!

Remember last post I told you all about the hunger games I participated in... well there was so much action in the game that it lead to so many memorable events and I'm here to show them to you in the form of a showdown! All the fun events that took place were basically 1v1 fights. So let's get the party started!

Run Achilles, run!

I just want us to be friends.

Go shove that friendship up your sepsitor!

The game started off great for Achilles... running from a sepsitor happy Skiavoros! The rules for the first round was that all weapons were offline so basically it was a maneuvering round. This lead to the Skia going after a juicy target, Achilles. The Skiavoros shuffled his way towards Achilles position behind a building but his 4-2 MOV was against him and had to stop in the ally leading to the back of the building where Achilles was. Luckily for Achilles there was another ally leading away from the Skia and he took off like a bullet away from the Skia. It looks like the Skia will have to find another person to befriend next round...

Shall we be frie.... uuuuhhhh!


Shall we be friends? 

Now the the combat turn begins... the Yu Jing player (Thunderpup) decided to make a false alliance with the CA player (Zachilles) and it turned out to be a bad idea for the CA player. The Yu Jing player was down to his last troop and the Skia was looking like a juicy target for his TO marker to get up close and personal with. Well it turned out to be Saito Togan popping out of TO! The first attack by Saito caused one wound on the Skia and the next attack by Saito was meet with a sepsitor after Saito got his hit in CC. The Skia made the armor save but the Skia failed the sepstior attack. Last attack by Saito ended the friendly Skia's friendship run.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Still here!

Hehe, I think I forgot about this blog. Nah, I kid. I've been busy with school as of late and it's caused me to have a big lack of Infinity as of late. I did get in a fun multiplier game though at the end of November. It was called Infinity: Hunger Games.

Basically you got the option of bringing 3 models max at 75 pts and 1.5 SWC. I choose to run with the new Achilles profile (ARM 5) with his trusty Heavy Shotgun. It turned out that he was a crit magnet that game. He got critted by a Lasiq. Had his hair and ODD burned off by a Chassuer twice! Then not wanting to live without any hair he let a Riot Grrl crit him on a 6... he did kill Yu Jing Monk at the end of the day.

I had a great time and the events that took place in that game were beyond funny.