Thursday, March 21, 2013

And It Burns! Part 1

Long time no see my friends! I've been really busy as of late but I have something for you. A little narrative battle report for mission 101 from Campaign Paradiso. I played with my MAF force and they did a great job.

This is part 1 or basically our deployments.

My list:

Combined Army - Morat Aggression Force  |  15 models

Combat Group #1
 Yaogat Lieutenant Hasak (31|0)
 Morat Hacker Yulak (28|0.5)
 Ikadron  (9|0)
 Yaogat Sniper Rovat (42|1.5)
 Kurgat Mk12 Osyat (24|0)
 Daturazi Chain Burgat (14|0)
 Kurgat Mk12 Venak(24|0)
 Daturazi Chain Tarnak (14|0)
 Q-Drone HMG (29|1)
 Rasyat Spitfire Heyat (40|1.5)
Combat Group #2
 Oznat Royat (21|0)
 Preta Chain (5|0)
 Preta Chain (5|0)
 Preta Chain (5|0)
 Preta Chain (5|0)

296/300 points | 4.5/6 swc

IS Force:

 Yu Jing - Imperial Service  |  13 models

Combat Group #1
 Sun Tze MULTI Lt (50|0)
 Celestial Guard Smoke LGL (13|0.5)
 Celestial Guard Smoke LGL (13|0.5)
 Celestial Guard Smoke LGL (13|0.5)
 Celestial Guard Hacker (25|0.5)
 Guǐ Fēng Combi (13|0)
 Bao Sniper (36|1.5)
 Hsien HMG (61|2)
 Sophotects  (31|0)
 Yudbot (3|0)
 Kaplan Eng B (28|0)
Combat Group #2
 Warcor (3|0)
 Warcor  (3|0)
 Pangguling Minesweeper (8|0)

300/300 points | 5.5/6 swc


Colonel Urok looked Lieutenant Hasak right in the eyes. The Lieutenant meet Urok's eyes and all Urok saw was a Morat that had seen battle and came out alive and victorious.

"I see the data is ours and in the hands of the EI." Urok said tapping out something on the command table in front of him.

"The EI takes whatever it needs and it gets on my nerves." Hasak said in a grumble to Urok.

"It takes what it wants because it can. However it tasked us with retrieving it and we did. Looking here I see it was a human force, Yu Jing, that wanted the data as well."

"Yes, they followed us to the site and they engaged us."

Urok tapped something into the command table again, "The human known as Sun Tze was leading them or that's what your report says Hasak."

"He was leading the force and has himself perched up on a building during the battle."

"Smart human... now reading your report gives me an idea what happened Hasak but I need to here it from you to give me a better picture." Urok said as he brought up a 3D display of the battlefield on the command table.

"Yes, sir." Hasak then brought his hand down to the command table and started to select positions highlighting them for Urok.

"We had arrived at the site here," Hasak said highlighting the western part of the alien site, "the humans entered the site from the east."

"I had my force spread out across our entry zone. I had our sniper, Rovat, ascend a building to get a a clear line of sight across the field. He kept his head down until he was needed. I then deployed on of my Osyat in the building beneath Rovat and set up Burgat to support him. I had the Royat and her pretas occupy the middle behind a large container, and Yulak was set up close to Osyat and Burgat, I  had the Ikadron placed right behind the building Osyat and Burgat were in.   On the flank closest to me I had the Q-Drone set up behind a barricade over looking the far console, I had Venak set up a few feet away from me providing me and Tarnak covering fire. Heyat was in the air above us and waiting for my command to descend down on the enemy."

Urok pondered a little over the deployment plan of Hasak's, "Solid deployment Hasak but I do have one question. Why did you occupy the flanks with your specialists and not spread them out more?"

"Easy answer Colonel. I had the specialists supported by others and spreading them out would of stretched us thin on being able to support them. Keeping them on the flanks also kept them out of death central," Hasak highlighted the middle console, the one with the least cover around it.

"That's why they send us in though Hasak. To get the hard objectives and to pound the enemy into the ground." Urok said said leaning on the table.

"Understood fully, sir, but sending anyone in there without smoke or with any other remotes like the Q-Drone would of cost me and the tactical advantage was on the flanks."

Urok just rubbed his beard listening to Hasak explaining himself. Urok was just testing Hasak though. Setting up on the flanks was the smart tactical decision and the middle console would of cost to many troops if the data was indeed in it and if it did come down to it Urok was positive Hasak and his men could get it done.

"Now take me through the humans deployment." Urok said as he up from his leaning position and crossed his arms across his large chest.

Hasak swept his hand across the IS's deployment zone, "Sun Tze had his forces spread out but everyone had clear firing lanes to cover each other. He set himself up on top of a building and prone so none of us could get to him. On my right flank he had a Hsien with a HMG and a Sophotect.."

"A Aleph soldier?"

"Correct, sir. We devolved the unit was there on the sake of the Yu Jing force and Aleph." Hasak then returned to the enemy deployment, "Sun Tze then had a fire team of Celestial Guard move up in the middle of their entry zone. Rovat confirmed to me that the team also had an intelligence member from Yu Jing in it." Hasak paused for a moment, "Did we recover anything from his cube, Colonel?"

"The on base Mech-toid is still working through the decryption."

Hasak nodded his head response and returned his eyes to the table, "Dead center there was a Kaplan or a Mercenary soldier," Hasak said with a grumble. War is a way of life for the Morats and someone that sells themselves out to war is nothing better then having a Shasvastii work for a MAF detachment.

"Over on my left flank there was a baggage bot and a sniper on the center building. Also there appeared to be two journalists on my left flank with a helper bot."

"They get any good footage?" Urok said with a laugh.

"Lots of it." Hasak responded with his own laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Go Morats!

    Good stuffs, Solo. Can't wait to get to the part where the weakling humans start dying!
