It was actually the first ITs objective game I've ever played with MAF and it was pretty fun putting a MAF spin on capturing objectives.
Here's a decent breakdown I did for the MAF game. You can find similar ones here at my MAF log on the Infinity forum boards.
Well it's been a bloody long time and I finally got to whip out MAF this afternoon. Here's how it went down against EnduroJoe. We played seize the beacons from the ITS scenario's.

Combat Group #1

Combat Group #2

299/300 points | 3.5/6 swc
open with Aleph Toolbox
: [url=][/url]



297/300 points | 5/6 swc
open with Aleph Toolbox
: [url=][/url]

Do to the mobile Aleph toolbox showing Korank as a 1 SWC Lt option so I played without an SWC that could of been used to make the combi Suryat a HMG carrying one. Didn't matter in the end though...
I won with the VP's being MAF - 6 Haqq - 2
Kornak and Crew: This team was designed to be the hammer in the list. It kind of was and wasn't at the same time during the game. The game starting with Kornak and his comrades sulking behind a building during my first turn. I eventually moved them up to a building in the middle making a move up towards the second beacon that was right around a tree where Kornak and his team was. During Haqq's first turn they brought the hurt down on the link team. First it was the Odalisque moving up to the point where she could only see Kornak (who was the link leader). She got a good angle on Kornak catching him out of cover. Luckily the short firefight between the two put Kornak down to NWI and he sulked back to total cover. The next attack didn't come at the link team from the Oda but from an Al'Hawwa hacker how was perked on the building roof that my team was sandwiched against. The hacker target my HMG Suryat successfully immobilizing him. This then let the Oda engage Kornak again without fear of the HMG adding fire to the fight.
However, the Suryat Combi was able to see between Kornak and the now immoblized HMG suryat as the Oda attacked. The Oda decidded to split her burst sending two shots at Suryat Combi and then Kornak. Kornak withered the storm again by beating out the Oda's dice but the Suryat took a wound. The Oda survived Kornak's Mk12 ARO. Next the Al'Hawwa hacked the Suryat Combi and immoblized him. Joe finished up the round by dropping suppression fire over the link team and fired at Kornak. Kornak once again beat the Oda on rolls but failed to wound the Oda.
A little into my second turn I was able to get rid of the suppression fire on the link team and get a wound on the Oda that wasn't from my link team.
Kornak got his revenge on the Oda by pumping her full of lead. The team also started it's reset process after I killed the Al'Hawwa hacker that was in the way. Both Suryats freed themselves with WIP rolls of 12 on their first use of the reset order. The team didn't do much after that in my second turn.
During Joe's second turn though he brought the heat again by bringing down the Lasiq sniper who plucked off the HMG Suryat but not before he dropped her himself. However the Lasiq was doctored and got back up to pluck off the Combi Suryat. The Raktorak got lucky that Joe ran out of orders before the Lasiq could rip into him. The Lasiq successfully broke the team apart but didn't touch Kornak because he was behind total cover.
Last turn saw Kornak make a suicide run for the middle beacon that was now in Haqq hands. Kornak moved up and fired off his Mk12 at the Farzen who captured the beacon. Kornak gunned him down and with my last order he moved up to the beacon and successfully turned the beacon over to the Morats.
Comments: Kornak was the star of the show in the team pulling most of the weight off the team. The rest of the team sadly didn't do much do to two of them getting immobilized by hacking. The Raktorak was actually really good at covering the team's six making approaches towards the teams rear hard. He did have some help though from other units. I'm also starting to learn how to use link teams and more specifically Morat link teams. I hope I get more out of Kornak and crew in the future.
Yaogat: Looks like I found where Rovat's cube went after his last outing and it so happened to end up in this Yaogat sniper. I'm finding that the Yaogat sniper is just a home outside of a link team as he is inside of one.
The Yaogat started the day by keeping his head low at first as he had two rooftops across from that I correctly guessed would have trouble on them (Lasiq on one and then a Djanbazan). His rooftop also over saw all three beacons. The Yaogat got some help from a Dat who dropped smoke in front of the building he was on. This then allowed me to stand him up but my first target was not the Lasiq but the Djanbazan. I threw the smoke down so the Lasiq wouldn't get a ARO on the Yaogat. The Yaogat successfully gunned down the Djanbazan and then caused the Lasiq to go prone. He allowed me to move up my link team without getting plucked off by the Lasiq or the Djanbazan. I then made him go prone at the end of my turn so he wouldn't have to face the Lasiq.
Second turn saw me trying to get a bead on the Lasiq and on the camo marker next to the middle beacon. I couldn't find a good angle on them so I made him go prone again.
Third turn saw the Yaogat trade lead with the Lasiq who fell to him. I then traded lead with the camo maker next to the middle beacon who was the Farzen. The Yaogat survived two shots from the Farzen's contender but couldn't put the Farzen in the dirt.
Comments: Did exactly what I needed from him to do and that was clear a way for the link team. He then provided to be a resilient bastard and didn't want to go down during the last moments of the game.
Vanguards: Well one Vanguard gets some credit as he turned the closest beacon over to the Morats. He then promptelly got picked off by the Lasiq as he was flapping right in the wind and no one had an ARO to the Lasiq.
The next vanguard held down my right flank and provided his order to the force.
Comments: Did what I need them to do. Grab an objective if possible and hold down an area and provide some orders.
Kurgat: Helped my Vanguard secure my right flank and even added a mine to the party in case a Ragik decided to come down and play.
Comments: None
Dats: Did what they always do and that was cause pain and suffering. One Dat helped to get bring down the Oda to NWI and that helped Kornak finish her off. The other Dat killed the Al'Hawwa who hacked my Suryats and kept him from interrupting my Suryats resets. The one who wounded the Oda also provided the smoke for my Yaogat at the beginning of the game. They both helped to get my link team out of tough spots and not just once but twice!
They also both died but did there jobs before they meant their end.
Comments: Dats are still showing me they are just toolboxes of pain and will always find a way into my lists.
Pretas: Well, one meant an untimely demise at the hands of the Lasiq right at the beginning of the game. The other preta provided support to my link team by laying down a marker on the steps of a building leading down to the rear of my link team. The Preta was the first to try and down the Al'Hawwa hacker but the two chain rifle bursts didn't seem to do it.
Comments: None
Overall: I think I'm starting to understand MAF more and more and it's starting to show. The dice also seemed to be fair to both parties. It just came down to tactics and I pulled it out.
My MVP of the game would have to be Kornak. He went through hell and came out victorious. He did have some help from the supporting crew and that's what helped keep him alive. My time keeping Achilles alive seems to have transferred over to Kornak.