Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Another Infinity Week on Beasts of War!

Starting next Monday is another Infinity Week on Beasts of War.

This little teaser is dominated by the Morats as we see a Sogarat (the big guy in front) with what seems to be an Oznat (the skinnier Morat in the back) leading along a hungry that you can see in front of the Sogarat.

What's real interesting is the ice and snow in this teaser. The planet that the CA landed on is more of a jungle planet but there is one planet that is covered in snow and ice in the human sphere. Are we getting a sneak peek at the CA's next course of action to take over the human sphere? Guess we'll have to wait till Monday...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Aleph Part 4

Post Humans: These gals get a whole post to themselves because there is a lot to talk about. Now the post humans come in three flavors and that would be Mk.1, Mk.2, and Mk.3. I'll be breaking these down individually because that's what they are individual units. For now we are just going to focus on the post human aspect and not the proxies (what the Mk bodies are called). The post human is very interesting unit as it comes with a very unique rule, G: Jumper lvl1. What does this mean you ask? Well it means that the post human can jump back and forth into the proxy bodies. This ability allows for the bodies themselves to be relatively cheap for there great equipment and stats. There are some downsides though. You need a max of two bodies to field the post human unit. You also only gain 1 order no matter how many proxies you have on the table (the post human provides the order not the proxies). Also the body with no post human in it during the reactive turn can only do a limited ARO (Alert, Dodge, Change Facing, or jump the post human into the body). Now it seems like I'm talking like you have to buy the post human unit and then the proxies but that's not the case. When you buy a proxy you get the post-human with it.

Mk.1: The workhorse (LI). This body's stats are MOV 4-4, CC 13, BS 13, PH 11, WIP 15, ARM 2, BTS -3, W 1. She comes with Mimetism for equipment and NWI for a skill. This body has three loadouts and they are all support style load outs: Engineer, Doctor, Hacker. They all come with combis, nanopulsers, pistols, and knifes. The only one that is different is the Engineer as it gets D-Charges. Now what makes this body really great is how dirt cheap all these load outs are and for how good it's stats, equipment, and skills are. The Engineer and Doc come out at 14 points and no SWC. The Hacker comes out at 22 points and 0.5 SWC.

The Mk.1 might look like just a support chassis but it is the workhorse body that can do everything. It can be a grunt and take on other targets and does it well do to it's high BS, Mimetism, and NWI. It can also fulfill the support trooper as well with a great WIP and decent BTS for hacking. Use and abuse this proxy body as much as you'd like (that sounded wrong).

Mk.2: The silent killer (SK). This body's stats are the same as the Mk.1 save for a PH of 13, ARM 1, and BTS 0. This body trades in the Mimetism for TO camo, keeps the NWI, and adds the Infiltrator skill. This body comes with two loadouts and ones fitted perfectly for a TO skirmisher. You have the awesome multi sniper loud out that comes at 29 points and 1.5 SWC. You then have the Hacker load out that comes with a boarding shotgun for 27 points and 0.5 SWC. All the load outs come with a nanopulser, pistol, and knife.

The Mk.2 is going to be the killer compared to the Mk.1. This body allows you to take a very good and cheap sniper option. This is very good when you're already strapped for points and can't fit in a Dasyu or Naga sniper. Hell, this proxy body is better then those two in some cases. So get this bad puppy up on a building and snipe some fools. The hacker is interesting but I find that the Mk.1 does a better job and for cheaper.

Mk.3: The black sheep (HI). Same stats as the Mk.1 save for a PH of 14, ARM 4, and W 2. This body is a bare bones HI. She has no fancy equipment or skills. She has one load out being a spitfire with a nanopulser, pistol, and knife, for 30 points and 2 SWC.

There's not much to write home about for the Mk.3. It's cheap for a HI (very cheap) but the other two bodies outclass it with better skills and equipment. This leads to the Mk.3 being the black sheep of this family (a unit no one uses). It does have a use though and that would to be a very cheap, fast, and accurate HI unit.  It's just hard to justify getting one with the other two bodies.

P.S: All the proxy bodies (Mk.1, Mk.2, and Mk.3) are AVA 1. Remember that I said you had to take a max of two... that means you can have combos like Mk.1+Mk.2,Mk.1+Mk.3,Mk.2+Mk.3, or Mk.1+Mk.2+Mk.3. You can't have Mk.1+Mk.1 and ect.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Aleph Part 3

Myrmidons: Considered one of the best Warbands in the game. These boys are like rabid hounds right out of Hades and have the equipment, stats, and skills to prove it. They come with a surprising BS of 12 so they can take the combi option and hit something with it. They have MOV 4-4, CC 17, PH 13, WIP 13, ARM 2 (best WB armor in the game), BTS 0, and W 1, and come with a built in nanopulser. Now those are all pretty basic stats for a WB unit save for the armor. So what sets these guys away from the rest of the WB units out there. For one they are regular and only 3 Warbands are regular. The second would be there MA3 but it might not seem impressive but on a regular warband unit it is. The third reason would be that they have ODD! That's means if your opponent  tries to shoot them without a MSV2 + or a direct template weapon they are at a -6. This is not found on any other WB unit. Myrms also come with smoke grenades and pared up with a Deva, Agema, Atlantia, Asura, or the Marut to make great companion units to jug out smoke and have the MSV unit shoot through it.

Now the Myrms aren't the cheapest Warband in the game and your going to have to pay a good amount even for the chain rifle version (16 points). Also they have Frenzy. That means if they wound a model they go impetuous their next turn. This can be a boon or a lose. It can be a boon granting a extra move to the Myrm without spending an order. However it can be a lose when someone has trapped your Myrm between units and he has to go out and engage one of them and possibly get shot to pieces. You can spend an order to stop him but you can start to eat away from your order pool if you do.

Myrmidon Officers: This unit is similar to the basic Myrmidons in every way expect for a a better WIP of 14 and a better BTS of -3. They also come with NWI. Now what really sets them apart is there load outs. The Myrmidon Officers have the option to be Lts or CoC figures and those are things the regular Myrms can't do. The Lt options are cheaper then the CoC but you can only take 1 (AVA 1). Both the Lt and CoC options come with the same load outs. There's the boarding shotgun and Z-V smoke grenades (they say suck it MSV when thrown) and the combi rifle and regular smoke grenades.

What makes the Officer great is that is brings over what it already good with the Myrms and gives it a very good upgrade. The Officer turns out to to a very good Lt. for Aleph as it has ODD making it a pain hit and now add on the NWI and you have a very solid Lt. This is also a cheap Lt coming in at 32 points a 0.5 SWC. The CoC option is a good option if your taking an aggressive Lt like Achilles and don't want to worry about LoL. It is not a cheap option though coming out at 39 points and 1 SWC. It however brings a unit that directly takes over as Lt if your current one falls and don't have to worry about LoL.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Infomercial: Aleph

Starting up the first series on my blog here and it's called Infomercial. It will bring you everything from some unit break downs, terrain setups, faction overviews, and some other stuff that I might not want to spoil yet...

So I had some free time and said hey! Why shouldn't I give a faction breakdown of the factions I play in Infinity. I already have a breakdown of units for Aleph that I've posted on and one I'm still working on. Also for these faction overviews I will focus on the factions sectorials as well.

So lets get to it!


Fluff: In the future (about 100 years and some change) the human race has scattered itself across the stars. It has populated a couple of new solar systems and with these new systems they needed to establish trade and communication ties with others. Enter Aleph, this AI was created to assist with such functions. Now with this great control Aleph has the ability to pull strings from the other factions that need it's services like PanO and Yu Jing. Also with it's creation it was deemed that Aleph be the only legal AI in the human sphere as it was the only one under the watch of O-12 (future UN with sharper claws and teeth). Now with this decision came the creation on the military branch of Aleph known as the Operation Sub-Section (OSS). This force is tasked with hunting down illegal AI under the watch of O-12. Units from the OSS are also loaned out to other forces especially ones that support the AI financially like PanO and Yu Jing. The OSS however is  used for darker means like silencing critics of the AI or engaging in military operation to oppose others that might bring harm to Aleph or it's goals. The OSS is not the only Sub-Section though. The Assault Sub-Section is the other one and is based soley for combat missions. They are deployed when hard and cold logic don't work like on the battlefields of Paradiso fighting against the Combined Army (jump Steel Phalanx section for more info). 

On The Table: When we talk about Elite factions in the Infinity universe there are really only two that stand out. One being the Combined Army and the other Aleph. The reason is that they field units that are above the average stat line in there unit types and have equipment and special skills that aren't found on other troops of the type. With Aleph every troop is elite in one nature or another. The reason for elite units is the because of the durability as well as equipment of Aleph's units. There durability would either comes from NWI (lets the unit operate in the unconscious state) or the next level under NWI, Dogged, or just having more then two wounds like HI. NWI is found across a bunch of units in Aleph while Dogged is only present on one but it fits perfectly with that unit and this keeps the low number of Aleph troops in the fight.  Equipment is another big reason Aleph is elite. It makes units hard to hit like the Myrmidons ODD and other equipment like the 360 visor of the Thorakitai help to cover blind spots and catch AD troops trying to come in from behind. Then there's also combo's of this durability and equipment that make for the most elite units in the game like the Asura or the man sized TAG aka Achilles. This durability and equipment comes with a price and one that leads to Aleph lists having smaller model counts then other factions. Don't fret at the low count of your troops though as your troops have the tools and durability to take on more then there number. Also Aleph's Lts are very easy to pick out (do to WIP and price tag)

Why play Aleph?: If your looking for a elite faction is that not heavy on the alien aesthetic then Aleph is right up your alley. If you want to field a faction that has high tech equipment and a good amount of durable troops that allows them to fight more then there number then Aleph is for you. If you like cyborgs or have a thing for Greeks and Vedics then Aleph might be the faction for you.

The Assault Sub-Section or Steel Phalanx

Fluff: When the Combined Army landed on Paradiso Aleph noted that itself and humanity was in danger. It tired to combat the CA with OSS however the cold and hard logic was working against the OSS. The EI (Evolved Intelligence and overlord of the CA) could predict the next moves of the OSS and the way there troops were going to act. Aleph needed another force that would be unpredictable and one the EI could not predict the next move of. Enter the Assault Sub-Section (ha, Enter the ASS... oh that's funny) or Steel Phalanx. Going by it's name you probably assumed it might have to do something with Greeks (Spartans are Greeks by the way) and you'd be absolutely right. Aleph decided to base the SP around the ancient Greeks and the heroes that came from the Iliad. This impressive force is led by the ever violent and brilliant Achilles. They've carved a bloody path across Paradiso in their fight against the CA. They just don't do it in for the sake of Aleph but for the sake of humanity. 

On the table: People call this sectorial the hero sectorial for a reason. You have some many characters to choose from when you assemble your force and that's the charm about the SP. However there's another reason for these characters... some are the only way to assemble link teams in the SP. You see the SP can't just form link teams like the other sectorials. The only way to assemble one is to have a model with Enomotarchos and they have to be in the link team as well. However what makes this rule different from other link teams is that you can only have 4 members but you can form more then one link team. A vast majority of characters have this rule and one none character unit. Now this plays into how the SP plays on the table in a big way. They have all the attributes of the regular vanilla Aleph but with this new Enomotarchos rule allows the SP to be a very fast and violent monster. That's what they SP does best and that's being very quick and very aggressive. They want to be up in your face and engaging you in close quarters fire fights. They are also purpose built for this with a ton (and I mean a ton) of ODD to make them hard to hit. If a unit doesn't have ODD they have other equipment that makes them just as deadly like the Ekdromos' jet pack that lets them have Super Jump or the Thorakitai's 360 Visor that allows no one to flank them. The SP however does come with drawbacks though. It suffers from the typical priceyness of Aleph's units but it also lacks camo units and skirmishers. They also have no access to any mines as well and that leaves you to create other ways to funnel your enemies. Lts are also very visible but the addition, just like in regular Aleph, of a Myrmidon Officer with CoC but in the SP you can take multiple (very pricey but they do have Enomotarchos). 

Why play SP?: If you just want to try something new and different from regular Aleph but don't want to try another faction then the SP might be right for you. Like the idea of commanding a good amount of heroes and their soldiers? Then the SP is waiting for you. Like the Greek aesthetic of Aleph but not the Vedic then the SP should be the perfect choose for you!